About Meeting-style Classroom

MEETING-STYLE CLASSROOM is a class style in which the classroom activities are treated as activities in a meeting. Students take on various roles associated with meetings, such as chairperson, timekeeper, and minute taker, and collaboratively conduct the meeting from start to finish. All students work together to ensure the meeting runs smoothly, while the teachers participate as advisors or experts, providing guidance and insights as needed.

Meeting-style classroomは授業をミーティング形式で行う授業スタイルです。学生は、チェアやタイムキーパー、書記など、ミーティングに関連する役割を担当し、全員で協同してミーティング(授業)の開会から閉会までを取り仕切ります。教員はアドバイザーや専門家として授業に参加し、学生主導するミーティングの中で必要な指導やアドバイスを行います。

Students lead and facilitate. 学生がファシリテーター

Recent trends increasingly see student-led classes, where teachers take the facilitators’ role. MEETING-STYLE CLASSROOM is designed to transfer the entire initiative in the class from the teachers to students, including the facilitators’ role, instead of the teachers prompting them to work in groups. By enabling students to give cues, MEETING-STYLE CLASSROOM is expected to genuinely nurture students' leadership skills, together with their ability to be proactive. Teachers take part in the meeting as “advisors” or “experts” to occasionally offer advice and feedback. In some occasions, teachers may actively join in the students’ discussions and provide lectures whenever necessary, as long as students are the leaders. MEETING-STYLE CLASSROOM is unique from other student-led classes where teachers give the initial cues, as MEETING-STYLE CLASSROOM prioritizes the students’ independent initiative in completing their tasks.

学生主導で教員がファシリテーターを担う授業スタイルが増えてきましたが、教員の合図の元でグループ活動を行うのではなく、ファシリテーター役を含む授業の主導権を教員から学習者に譲渡し、学習者がキュー(合図)を出す側になってこそ、真のリーダーシップやそれを支える発信力が醸成されるという期待を込めて、Meeting-style classroomは考案されました。教員は「アドバイザー」や「専門家」という立場でミーティングに加わり、時には学生を見守りながらアドバイスやフィードバックを与え、またある時には積極的に学習者の議論に参加し、専門家として必要な講義を行います。Meeting-style classroomは任務遂行のための主導権を取る仕組みを取り入れることに重きを置いた点で、教員のキューの元で学習者主導を実現する授業とは一線を画します。

MEETING-STYLE CLASSROOM was devised, inspired by the Leader Method (Wade, 2009), which “uses a business meeting model in which students take turns acting as group chair, and…conduct the whole lesson with minimal instructor involvement but with the instructor generally giving constructive feedback after the session.” (Ward &Wade, 2009)