Class Materials/教材

Agenda 議題

Agenda contains meeting participants, goals, objectives, tasks, time allocation, etc.


How to Use Agenda / Agendaの使い方

Agenda is shared in advance.
All participants read the agenda prior to the meeting and prepare for the session and its proceedings.
On the day of the meeting, the student assuming the role of the chair presides over the session in accordance with the agenda. The student timekeeper pays special attention to the time allocation and notifies participants of any lapse of time by calling or ringing a bell whenever necessary.

Time Keeperの学生は時間配分に特に気を配り、適宜声掛けやベルによって時間を知らせます。

Agenda Example

 Agenda templates -old version (docx file)

Portfolio ポートフォリオ

Each student makes a portfolio that contains a report of each activity in class, development of the agenda, collected materials, and free comments during or outside the meeting.


How to Use Portfolio / Portfolioの使い方

In the section labeled as in-class-activity, the participants may write down anything they notice or report on any activities.
In the section labeled as out-of-class activity, the participants write the findings of research made outside the class and contents of their presentation for the following week.
Participants may submit the portfolio every week to share information with other members.

Out-of-class activityの欄には、クラス外でリサーチしたことや次週の発表の内容などを記入します。

Donlodad a portfolio template(docx file) / Portfolioのテンプレート(docx形式)ダウンロード

English Phrases for a Meeting / フレーズ集

Useful phrases for the presentation sessions and discussions are made available at Quizlet.

Moderator Level 1(Presentation)

Speaker Level 1(Presentation)