- Experience each role in a meeting.
- Learn how to write a proposal.
- Report the progress of your project.
- Choose presentation themes and start working on contents.
- Make effective use of “infographics” in your presentation.
- Finalize presentation theme and obtain classmates’ approval.
- セルフアピール
- プロポーザル(企画書)を作成する。
- コンテンツの作成を開始し、プレゼンテーションにより進捗状況を伝える。
- インフォグラフィックスをプレゼンテーションで利用する。
- テーマを決定し、クラスメートの合意を得る。
Students' Voices 学生の声(原文ママ・Portfolioより引用)
“We gave our presentation. And I enjoyed that very much. Everyone did their presentation well. Their presentation were improved with infographic. I thought infographic is good to understand the contents and make slide interesting. "