
Class Title: Business English 01 (2023)

Class Title: Business English 01: Advanced self-promotion

Through MEETING-STYLE CLASSROOM, students attempt to seek out and discover what they are better at or more knowledgeable about than other people, and present their result in English. Then, each student will become an expert in a certain area and create original content that they can use again later in the future: whether it be making a speech at a conference or small talk at a dinner, or even sitting next to someone on a train. Teachers support students in their efforts to expand their content and provide them with frameworks through which students can express themselves and deliver their message.

このゼミではMeeting-style classroomを通じ「自分が人より少し得意と思えること或いは詳しいと思えること」を追求し、その成果を英語で発表します。学生はある分野に関するスペシャリストとなり、今後英語で発信できるような独自のコンテンツを作ります。教員は学生がコンテンツを追求するサポートをし、発信するフレームワークを提供します。

Goals 到達目標

By the end of this course, you will be able to:
  • Present your professional background and skills effectively in English.
  • Develop a well-organized English resume (CV).
  • Actively participate in meetings and contribute to discussions in a professional setting.
  • 専門分野のプロフェッショナルに向けて英語で口頭でのセルフプロモーションが行える。
  • 英語のレジュメ(CV)を作成することができる。
  • 主体的にミーティングを進行できる。ミーティングに貢献できる。

Class Syllabus 授業のスケジュール(シラバスより)

Week 01: Orientation:

Overview of the course, objectives, setting up the environment, ICT tools, and business chat tools

Week 02-03: Preparing for Meetings: 

Setting up the environment, understanding meeting roles, and sharing insights in areas of interest

  1. Learn how an institute or a company expresses their vision in a short phrase.
  2. Turn Japanese slogans into English.
  3. Express your vision in a short phrase.

Week 04-05: Example of Communication: 

Creating and visualizing a slogan

  1. Visualize your slogan!
  2. Use action verbs to summarize your background and skills.
  3. Describe your personality using adjectives.

Week 06-07: Self-Introduction and Skills Presentation: 

30-second English pitch and English CV preparation

  1. Learn how to promote yourself in 30 seconds.

Week 08: Practical Session: Creating an English CV

Goal: Learn how to write a CV.


Week 09-10: Interview Techniques: 

Methods, strategies, and practical application
  1. Learn frequently asked questions.
  2. Develop your own questions.
  3. Practice a business interview.
英語の面接(Interview):絶対にきかれる4つの質問と答え方 https://note.com/callas/n/ne0c299a202ce

Week 11-13: Delivering Results: 

Methods, preparation, and online practice
  1. Plan and conduct a presentation event together.
  2. Create an agenda for the next session.

Week 14: Final Presentation: 

Week 15: Course Wrap-Up: Summary and reflection

Look back on this course and recognize your development.

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